Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Today in class we learned about Baker V Carr, a case which set the foundation for redistricting. The case was grueling, with one justice even suffering a nervous breakdown and have to recuse himself from the lawsuit. In the end the court ruled in favor of Baker, setting a standard of 'one person one vote.' Shortly after, many other redistricting lawsuits were filed.
This made me curious about the origin of Gerrymandering, and how it became so common place. Gerrymandering is when district boundaries are manipulated in order to establish a political advantage, and it's often used to keep certain groups in power. Without it, America's districts would look quite different (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/01/13/this-is-actually-what-america-would-look-like-without-gerrymandering/?noredirect=on).
I found the term has been around since 1812, when Massachusetts was redistricted in order to maximize votes for the Democratic-Republican party. The reason the Gerrymandering is so common now is because the political party that controls state legislatures gets to draw the district lines, and they often do so in a way that is most likely to keep them in power. (http://theconversation.com/4-reasons-gerrymandering-is-getting-worse-105182).
As of now, this practice is legal (though attempts can be contested in court). Personally I don't believe it belongs in a just system, as it 'allows politicians to select their voters rather than voters choosing their representatives.' That said, it's difficult to think of a way to solve the issue, because redistricting is important in ensuring the whole country has a voice. How do you guys think Gerrymandering should be addressed, if at all? Is it possible for redistricting to ever be nonpartisan?

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