Saturday, September 21, 2019

Newt Gingrich's role in dismantling Congress

Newt Gingrich, soon after he became a member of the House, began his campaign of aggressive and ad hominem rhetoric against Democrats. Gingrich vowed to take on liberals, and found a special target in Speaker Jim Wright. As part of his new strategy, he would present to C-SPAN speeches attacking Democrats- only it was after the House had adjourned, so there was no one there. Gingrich effectively started an investigation on Wright about how he had allegedly used his own staff to compile a book he wrote. The investigation continued, and even started accusing Wright's wife. Texas Democrat Jack Brooks called Gingrich out on this, saying that his actions (the investigation, C-SPAN speeches, etc) were undermining Congress and destroying bipartisanship. Brooks fielded a question about the investigation, and referenced many past Speakers, many of whom held opposing views. And despite these opposing views, arguments were about the opposing views- not the people behind those views. Brooks asserted that Gingrich's tactics were creating a legislative environment antithetical to Congress' purpose and America's values.
Wright, in an act to prove his dedication to keeping Congress orderly, resigned in an effort to try and move Congress forward from his own investigation. Brooks subsequently made a speech confirming Wright's character.
Brooks later said that the controversy and media had deemed Wright guilty without trial. This was his major reasoning behind his defense of Wright throughout the investigations.
Mr. Stewart said that Gingrich wasn't the sole cause of gridlock and negative political rhetoric- but Newt Gingrich's actions certainly served as a catalyst and a symbol of the advent of this new age of adverse political rhetoric.

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