Friday, September 20, 2019

The Real Area 51 (In Honor of the Area 51 raids that were supposed to happen today)

In honor of the Area 51 raid (which was supposed to happen today but nobody who showed up actually wanted to run at the base so they had a party instead), I wanted to inform you all that if you thought that the Government was keeping the aliens in Area 51, there is a way better base that is more likely to have aliens. The Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton Ohio has been a likely candidate for actual aliens for many years, and people who cared about finding aliens long before the storm area 51 meme became a thing have suspected that the evidence everyone is looking for had been there all along. Now, I am writing this mostly as a joke, but there are a few things that make the base more interesting than Area 51. For one, it was the actual site of Project Sign (Or Project Grudge/Project Bluebook), an official government study on UFOs that was supposedly terminated in 1969. Project Sign/Bluebook has now since been declassified, and while findings state that there were no discoveries of aliens, many believers are not so sure. On top of this, Wright Patterson also has a restricted area inside the airforce base that people who have clearance on the base are not allowed into. This area, called Hangar 18, is said to contain remnants of the Rosewell UFOs that crashed, and possibly a whole other variety of alien-related items. My Grandfather was in the air force, and when my Dad was a kid, he actually lived at Wright Patterson while my Grandpa worked there. When I asked him, he did mention a big "barn" up on a hill that was closed off from the rest of the base, and the urban legends that surround the base. Wright Patterson is the base most known for studying foreign tech and reverse engineered foreign aircraft during the cold war, so it technically makes sense that should the government find alien debris, they would send it to Wright Patterson. Of course, there have been tons of "eye-witness testimonies" of seeing a 3-4 foot tall grey-skinned alien, and how in Hangar-18 there are studies on the biology of the aliens, their crafts, and anything else people can think of that might correlate (There have also been multiple books published by military personnel and their families who lived on Wright-Patt). Although this is all fun to think about, especially in light of all the Area 51 jokes, in reality, nobody should be trying to break into an Airforce base. (But if you were, Wright-Patt would give you a higher chance of "seeing them aliens")

(Additional Sources: 1, 2)


  1. One fun thing to add is the whole reason for the area 51 raid a few days ago can be traced back to the Soviet Union. For decades, the area was used as an airforce testing facility where new crafts were flown for the first trials. This led to a lot of weird sightings. However, suspicions of aliens mostly arose after the government announced secrecy over the area and therefore would not clarify what any of the cloaks were. This was because the government feared Soviet spies, but the general public took this to mean they were housing alien UFOs (

  2. Thank you so much for bringing this to light. I do disagree with you about nobody breaking into an Airforce base. I think that the government should be clear about the projects that are going on at these secretive bases. The citizens have a right to know the experiments occurring right now, and unfortunately if breaking in is the only option, so be it.

  3. I think that it's really interesting that you bring up the Wright-Patterson, because many people at the time thought that UFO's exist and so the obvious reaction would be curiosity. But also it is the government's right to investigate something that could be considered "dangerous" to the public. I do think that at some point, the government has an obligation to tell the public what it is. Storming a government base isn't a good idea, but somethings are better to tell rather than keep. Most of the raid was due to the people not knowing something, and that escalated because the government willingly kept it from them.


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