Wednesday, October 2, 2019

White Supremacy

Today we learned about how the media can ultimately help these extremist groups recruit more people. Stormfront is a nationalist website that manipulated Google in order to be at the top of the search engine for the phrase "black on white crimes." The sad thing is that with just a click of a button, even 12 year olds came come in contact with this website. This platform caused Dylan Roof, a teenager, to go shoot up a Charleston church. When interviewed, he didn't feel any remorse and felt that it was just. Another example was Prussian Blue, which was a band that preached about white supremacy under a facade of two twin girls and music that was posted on the web.  The girls themselves were raised under their mom's racists beliefs which ultimately made them become bigoted as well. Their music was talking about how Hitler's right hand man was right and downplayed the holocaust. During the Hurricane Katrina disaster, the girls and their mother sent care packages to white people only and sent white supremacist books in the packages, to which people rejected. Also there were certain websites that where linked to white supremacy like alt right and the daily stormer, that I wasn't even aware of.  I think that if more people were to know about what belongs to a hate group, then they would not be sucked in, but hate groups have gotten significantly smarter. They have learned not to spew hate at people directly and just mask it in their wording choices, which just makes the problem trickier. 


  1. I think you raise some intriguing points. Hate groups have adapted to the new age of technology, and as a result they are able to recruit more members than ever before. While I think Google should simply keep websites like Stormfront from showing up in their search engine, this is tricky because at that point you can make the argument that Google would infringing on freedom of speech for these groups.

  2. I think this is a very interesting point. Hate groups are definitely being smarter about how they present themselves which makes it much harder to track down which groups are built only for hate. In class, we learned about groups such as Mountain Minutemen and Act for America which seem to be positive, activist groups trying to make beneficial changes but are secretly anti immigrant or anti Muslim hate groups. I think it is really scary that we are living in a world with so much hate but more so that these groups are trying to be more accessible through fronts such as music.

  3. This is a really interesting post! I think that extremist groups are definitely changing their ways, in an attempt to evade restrictions and crackdowns from law enforcement. Hate groups really be wilding, and Prussian Blue shows how two innocent looking girls that want to sing can actually have such ulterior motives that are very dark and shady. This is a smart move on the part of the hate groups, but ultimately is bad for the fate of America.


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