Sunday, November 3, 2019

Alabama and Abortion

As seen in the Supreme Court case of Roe v. Wade (1973), abortion is a super controversial debate in the United States. The legal precedent of Roe v. Wade is essential to protect a woman's right to an abortion. But often, the idea of what an abortion entails is skewed. The simple question of where does life begin, has sparked the heated controversy amongst pro-lifers and pro-choice. Does life start at conception, when the heartbeat is developed, or after birth? Even the idea of pro-choice is skewed in its portrayals. What does choice entail? It means that you are supportive of a woman's bodily autonomy: their control of their own body and who or what uses it and for how long. This means that if you were dying with functioning organs, they can't take them unless you explicitly give consent. So why would a woman have to go through an unwanted pregnancy? Why is it that someone who doesn’t want a baby should be forced to go through birth and bring an, and unfortunately, unwanted child into the world? The constitutionality of Alabama's law was really shaky. However, a federal judge put a temporary ban on what would have made abortions near impossible in Alabama. The law was passed on behalf of pro-life legislators with support from the Alabama Pro-Life Coalition. The law was supposed to go in effect on Nov 15th. This law is an outright violation of Roe v. Wade, Planned Parenthood v. Casey, and more Supreme Court precedent, and "defies" the constitution, according to Judge Thompson of the US District Court for the Middle District of Alabama.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I definitely think that being pro-choice would allow for the best representation for all women because it allows women to decide whether to have an abortion or not. I feel as if women should be the voice of this argument because abortion is something that affects us, not men. I also think that women should be able to always have the decision to have an abortion because it always them to feel supported and make good decisions about their futures.


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