Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Is Education Equality Important?

Imagine that you didn't have the same education as your friend. There would be a disadvantage, it will make it more difficult for you to succeed in life vs your friend. I believe that education equality is very important because everyone should have the same educational opportunities and there shouldn't be an educational disadvantage for individuals. The disadvantages of education affect the success of an individual. Another reason why Equal Education is very important is that every person's education allows for the door to open in life a lot easier which can also bring power. Education could bring power. 
Being successful in life shouldn't be due to the lack of education opportunities. According to wiki its say that there are two factors which are ".. one's personal condition should not interfere with the potential of academic success. The second important factor are inclusion, which refers to a comprehensive standard that applies to everyone in a certain education system."(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Educational_equity). Those individuals that can't get the same education will find it more difficult to succeed in life vs those who have more opportunities towards education. We as people have to make a change so everyone has equal education.


  1. I wholly agree- something important to note is that a lack of education begets a cyclical void of knowledge in a community. That makes it extremely difficult to escape the community in which a young, impressionable child is brought up in. I think equity in education is extremely important, because without it, communities like the one described can't give their own children a chance to do as well as someone else who was simply born into a better education situation (as described in your post).

  2. I definitely agree with this post. However, I do think it is much much more complicated than just educational opportunities. Like Alex was saying, the community makes a huge difference on the education of the individual. Another big aspect is someone's family. If your parents didn't go to college and they believe in joining the family business and therefore don't enforce good grades in school, this highly influences the student's drive for a better education. It's not like we can just take the student and give them to another set of parents, so what do we do? We can't just take a student and take them out of their community either. It would also take a lot of time and effort to help/change the attitude of the entire community and we don't even know that that is the best/an okay thing to do. So my question is what we should do about everything other than the school's help in education.

  3. I agree on saying a better education usually leads to better success, but I also disagree. There are cases in which kids get offered great education and opportunities and yet they still don't take advantage of it. You will always have kids who take advantage of their environment and throw away what is given to them. So I agree with Amy in which we need to focus on the student's environment because the educational system isn't always the problem. But in cases education is failing is there some other sort of problem allowing education to fall short? Or should we completely blame school for providing less education and funding.


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