Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact

The electoral college is often a subject of passionate discussion when talking about why certain presidents win. The system as it is currently, technically allows for a president to win despite the majority of the population voting against them. This has happened multiple times over our country's history, but it's happening more frequently.

This is something which mostly bothers citizens in larger states, as they are more likely to be ignored during a presidential election. It simply isn't worth the effort to convince some 700,000 people in California for the same gain as 300,000 in Wyoming.

However, The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact could change this. While terribly named, it's actually a really interesting plan to bypass the electoral college and vote the way the country wants.

The gist is that states pass a law which enters them into the compact. When enough states have done so, Compact states will assign all their electors to whichever candidate is winning the popular vote. This will completely change the way elections work in the U.S. and I'm really excited to see how this will affect us.

The plan moves forward once 270 electors worth of states have joined, and 196 already have. The remaining 74 are somewhat accounted for as 75 states worth of electors have started passing the entrance law. This means that this change could be made in time for the 2020 election.

For more information, visit the official website.

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