Saturday, November 23, 2019

What is America's Stance on Hong Kong?

    What is America's stance on Hong Kong protestors? As you all know by now, waves of protest and revolt against the Chinese government have been happening for over 2 months now. There have also been numerous cases in where the protestors have waived the American flag. As the Hong Kong protestors go against the Chinese military might, how will America respond?

    Recently 10's of thousands of protestors starting singing the star spangled banner and calling for change. More realisticly, the protestors have called Congress to pass the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy act, which would enable the United States to take more measures in China to protect autonomy. So far Trump has not labeled this issue of utmost importance to his office. However, Republican senator,  Marci Rubio, believes that the act can be passed due to its large bi partisan support. Rubio also believes that this act passing can be one of the only ways to drop China from commiting another act like the Tiananmen square incident. Senator Mitch McConnel has yet to give an answer to whether or not he supports the new act, which can mainly be pointed to his many business dealing he's has in China at the moment. This behavior brings up the problem that a lot of America's business is based in China, so America has to act very cautiously in approaching them. But in the end it simply comes down to the freedom and Democracy America represents to the world, and whether or not they will stop the current injustices in China.

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