Saturday, November 23, 2019

Why people don't vote

We watched a documentary that touched on voter turnout and I found it very interesting the reasons people don't vote, so I did some further research. Out of the documentary, I got a couple of reasons as to why people don't go to vote. Some people don't care too much about who wins or who doesn't, not voting doesn't hurt them in the end. But a big reason people don't vote is that they believe their votes won't matter in the end. They think that by not voting, their one vote won't change the results of the election in the end. In theory, their thinking isn't that bad, but if everyone doesn't vote, then that's when those lost votes start to matter. Another reason was the ability to have access to a voting center. Many counties don't all have many voting centers, some are more spread out than others. So if a person doesn't have any form of transportation such as a car or bike, and the facility is miles away, they won't go. The reason for having little facilities is to allow for faster counts, but it really limits the number of people who get to vote. I also read on an article from the Washington post that people who live in Puerto Rico and Guam don't have access to vote despite being US territory. "not one of these U.S. citizens can participate in the democratic process with a vote for president, nor have a voting representative in Congress." The governor of Guam himself believes that should change. So should voting be much more open to people in the states or should the US not bother in pushing towards getting new voting facilities?


1 comment:

  1. Interesting article! I didn't know that Puerto Rico nor Guam have voting facilities and I do think that it should be for them at least to get voting facilities. Though, I may have to argue with you that they can't find transportation to go to the voting facilities. There may be a few parts of the US where it is hard to get to a voting facility but in the majority of the US, especially in the Bay area, transportation is being offered all over the place.


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