Monday, December 9, 2019

The Strange Loophole that Causes DC Residents to be Taxed Without Representation

Even though DC residents pay federal taxes they have no say on how this money is spent as they have no representation within the federal government. This is because they do not have statehood, and therefore do not have democratic representation in the Senate. The district does have a member of congress, but her power is almost non-existent, as she cannot vote on any issues presented in congress. All bills that she has written to give DC congressional power or statehood have not gone through, and so the cycle of DC having no voting power continues. So even though their population is larger than Vermont or Wyoming and their GDP is higher than 16 states, they still are excluded from voting on federal issues like the rest of the US population.
This is mostly a partisan issue, as Republican leaders do not want the majority democrat District of Colombia to gain representation since it benefits the democratic party. Also, the district's decisions come down to the republican party due to their power in the federal government, despite the area being again, by far has a democrat majority.
This issue has existed since the creation of Washington DC and has been improving at a snail's pace since then. For example, until 1964, residents could not even vote in presidential elections. A few years later, the residents were granted the right to elect a mayor and a city council. But the main problem remains today, the fact that they are being taxed without federal representation, that at least has some power. This is an issue that most people are not aware of but is outrageous due to the fact that this major loophole has caused people to lose their right to vote.

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