Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Problems with climate change

In today's society, there has been a problem with climate change. There are people that both sides of how climate changes aren't an issue yet vs the people think that it's a big issue today. I ran into an article that talks about how scientists have found that there "loss of sea ice, accelerated sea-level rise and longer, more intense heat waves". There is a picture in the media that shows how climate change is affecting the environment. According to the articles that "effect of climate change", the scientist believed that there are going to be an " increase in global mean temperature of less than 1.8 to 5.4 degrees Fahrenheit above 1990 levels will produce beneficial impact.." the temperature. With the prediction of the scientists, it shows that climate change is getting worse. I believed that people should take action and stop using the thing that would affect the climate more.


  1. And one thing that people could do to lessen the impacts of climate change is to not use the air conditioning so much. Due to the increasing in electricity, this increasing the carbon dioxide emissions. And even more extreme weather, leads to an increase of air conditioning. It turns out to be a vicious cycle that keeps contributing to climate change. As for why many people think that climate change isn't a real issue is probably because they haven't directly seen a change in the place they live in or because they have certain beliefs that prevent them from looking at the problem in a different way.

  2. I totally agree! I think that we need to focus on the environment first and then move towards legislation that affects social policies. The climate affects us all, regardless of party affiliation. I think that we should push for environmental legislation to reduce our use of single-use plastics, as well as, using renewable clean emission energy. We should continue to strike and protest and put pressure on the government to make changes to slow the progression of climate change.


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